Missouri Compromise
- 11 free states and 11 slave states
- Missouri wants to join the union as a slave state
- Congress says no, only if it becomes a free state as it is above the boundary between free and slave
- Maine joins as free and Missouri joins as slave
- From now on the south border of missouri is the boudnary for slavery
- North of 36-30 line
- Politics that appeal to the common people and feel that theur concerns are disregarded by the elite groups
- Promotes the interest of the people
- Elite are seen as corrupt
- All white men can vote
- New policies for the people
- Supporters rewarded with govt positions
Election of 1824
None of the candidates got 131
HoR decided election
- John Quincy Adams gets support from Clay because neither of them like Jackson
- Backroom deal amongst elites
Adams made Clay secretary of state (Corrutp Bargain)
Jackson and his supporters become the Democrat party
Oppose the National Republicans
John QUincy Adams Presidency
- American System
- National university in washington, scientific exploration
- Rich people stuff
- Southerners opposed federal funding and fear consolidation of power
- Tarriff of 1816: Raised dutys on textiles and iron goods
- South opposed the tariffs as it benefits the North more
Election of 1828
- Jackson promotes political equality
- Creates following of people from north and the south
- Southerners opposed Adams due to his tariff support
- Jackson won in a landslide
Jackson Governs for Common Man
- Informal “kitchen cabinet”
- Spoils System - New administrations hire their own government
- Non-elected office holdiung class
- Believed power belongs to the states
- Tariff of 1832: Tariff of Abominations, lower than 1828
- Southerners becoming distrustful of the government
Nullification Crisis
- South Carolina said states had the right to void federal laws
- Refused to collect on the tariff
- Congress passes Force Bill
- Right to use military to nforce tariffs
- Clay Compromise: Reduce the tariff over 10 years, SC backs down from secession but nullifies the Force Bill sympolically
- Tariff issue is settled, state issue is not