Here’s a breakdown of the questions and correct answers with explanations:

FRQ Section

1. How Donald Trump won the 2024 Presidential Election:

  • Campaign Strategy: Emphasize outreach to working-class voters, use of populist messaging, and reliance on social media to bypass traditional outlets.
  • Key Issues: Inflation, immigration, economic growth, and concerns about crime were critical topics, along with targeting swing states effectively.
  • Political Forces: Partisan polarization and shifting demographics played significant roles. Additionally, a divided opposition or low voter turnout in key areas could have contributed.

2. Constitutional Convention Provisions for Less Populous States:

  • Great Compromise: Established a bicameral legislature, with the Senate giving equal representation to all states.
  • Electoral College: Ensured smaller states had a disproportionate influence in selecting the President.
  • Commerce Clause: Protected states’ rights in certain trade matters.

3. Brutus’s Complaints about Articles I and II:

  • Brutus warned about excessive federal power in taxation and military control (Article I, Section 8).
  • Expressed concerns over the executive’s ability to act unilaterally under Article II, potentially leading to tyranny.

4. Maintaining Political and Economic Power in 1787 Constitution:

  • Political Examples: The Senate (equal state representation) and Electoral College (elite-driven election process).
  • Economic Examples: Protection of property rights and limited taxation without Congressional approval.

MCQ Section

  1. Which of the following is best associated with this picture?

    • Correct Answer: Northwest Ordinance of 1787
      Explanation: The Northwest Ordinance set the precedent for how territories would become states.
  2. In the case of a 50/50 split in the Senate, control is determined by:

    • Correct Answer: The Vice President
      Explanation: The VP casts the tie-breaking vote in the Senate.
  3. Which of the following could be used to criticize the Electoral College?

    • Correct Answer: Election of 2016
      Explanation: In 2016, the candidate with the popular vote (Clinton) lost due to the Electoral College system.
  4. Mitt Romney Quote—Constitutional Topic:

    • Correct Answer: Religious Tests
      Explanation: Romney addressed concerns about his faith and the prohibition of religious tests for office.
  5. Joe Biden’s request to end the ACA falls under which presidential role?

    • Correct Answer: Head of Government
      Explanation: This involves domestic policy leadership, separate from ceremonial duties as Head of State.
  6. Senate introducing an appropriations bill violates which principle?

    • Correct Answer: None of the Above
      Explanation: Only the House of Representatives can introduce appropriations bills (Article I, Section 7).
  7. Constitutional Amendment Process—Principle Represented:

    • Correct Answer: Republicanism and Federalism
      Explanation: Republicanism involves representation; Federalism balances state and national powers.
  8. Manifestation of Jay’s Concerns:

    • Correct Answer: Shays’ Rebellion
      Explanation: Jay feared unrest and instability, which Shays’ Rebellion exemplified.
  9. Hamilton’s View in the Federalist Papers:

    • Correct Answer: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1
      Explanation: Hamilton supported broad federal powers, including taxation.
  10. Brutus’s Likely Support:

    • Correct Answer: Necessary and Proper Clause
      Explanation: Brutus feared federal overreach but would favor limits that prioritize fair representation.
  11. Idaho Acknowledging New Jersey Marriage Reflects:

    • Correct Answer: Full Faith and Credit Clause
      Explanation: States must recognize public acts like marriage from other states.
  12. Pennsylvania’s Fishing Law Violates:

    • Correct Answer: Privileges and Immunities Clause
      Explanation: Prevents states from discriminating against out-of-state residents.
  13. Government Shutdown Stems From:

    • Correct Answer: Budget Bill
      Explanation: Shutdowns occur due to failure to pass funding legislation.

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