Cell Organelles

Organelles are structures within the cytoplasm of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells that perform specific functions

StructureDescriptionPrimary Function(s)Found in which cells?
Cell WallRigid, protective outer layer Made up of CELLULOSE (fiber), a carbohydrateProvide support and protection for the cellPLANTS BACTERIA
Cell MembraneFlexible, thin outer layer surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell Made up of phospholipidsAllow substances in/out of the cell Encloses the cellPLANTS ANIMALS BACTERIA
CytoplasmArea inside the membrane where all organelles are found Made up of cytosol - jelly-like fluid (mostly water)Hold organelles Contain nutrients to be used by organellesPLANTS ANIMALS BACTERIA
CytoskeletonPhysical framework of the cell Made up of microtubules & microfilaments, protein fibers that form a “skeleton” for the cell Kind of like bridge with many strings holding it upHelps cell maintain its shape, allows for cell and organelle movementPLANTS ANIMALS BACTERIA
NucleusControl center of the cell Made up of: Nuclear envelope - membrane containing NUCLEAR PORES - openings that allow substances to move in/out of the nucleus Nucleolus - produces ribosomesContains DNA (regulates gene expression) Controls which proteins the cell makesPLANTS ANIMALS
Large Central VacuoleLarge membrane-bound sac Can take up to 80% of the cellStore water Helps plant maintain its structure Used in endo & exocitosis Empty vacuole = deflated cellPLANTS
ChloroplastsOrganelle involved in photosynthesis Made up of thylakoids - structures inside the chloroplast that contain chlorophyll, green pigment molecules that absorb light energyPhotosynthesis - the process where plants turn light energy into sugar (food) takes place herePLANTS

Types of Cells: A = Animal (eukaryote) P = Plant (eukaryote) B = Bacteria (prokaryote)

More Cell Organelles (Part II)

StructureDescriptionPrimary Function(s)Found in which cells?
VesiclesSmall membrane bound sacs or vesicles, transport vehiclesStore food, water, waste Transport things throughout the cell**ANIMALS **
LysosomesA specialized vesicle that contains Enzymes, proteins that break down macromolecules & old, worn out, broken cell parts Suicide sac“Digestive system” of the cell - digestive Enzymes “Clean up” crew Results in apoptosis - cell digests itselfANIMALS
RibosomesCell’s protein factory DOES NOT have a membrane Found… On nuclear envelope On rough ER Floating in the cytoplasmbuild proteinsPLANTS ANIMALS BACTERIA
MitochondriaOrganelle involved in energy productionUse Glucose to produce energy for the cell The more activity the cell does, mitochondria Make their own DNA Are believed to have been bacteria at one point Make ATP Reproduce on their ownPLANTS ANIMALS
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)System of 2 parts: ROUGH ER - studded with ribosomes, looks like sheets SMOOTH ER - no ribosomes, tube-like structuresROUGH ER - Creates and packages proteins SMOOTH ER - - Produces lipids and detoxifies drugs/poisons Alcoholic (people) - more smooth ER Transports material in a vesicle to golgi bodyPLANTS ANIMALS
Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Body)Made up of vesicles Kinda like pita stackedPackage and transport materials (like macromolecules) throughout the cell (UPS) Produces lysosomes (a specific type of vesicle)PLANTS ANIMALS
CentriolesSpindle-shaped, 90 degree angle to each otherHelp with cell divisionANIMALS
