Part 1 can be found here: unit4-pt1, unit4-pt3

Revolutionary War Part 2

Tide of the War Turns

  • War becomes unpopular and Britain
    • Defeat at Saratoga persuades king to take more conciliatory measures
  • United States offered dominion status within Great Britain, declines
  • Parliament repeals Tea Act of 1773 and repealed laws that blocked trade
  • American Militia turns efforts towards Indian tribes in the west
    • George Rogers Clark captures British fort at Vincennes
  • Key alliances:
    • Britain ends up needing a new strategy and looks to the south
    • Spain joins against British to try to recapture Florida
    • French alliance gives new life to American effort

The War in the South

  • In 1776, British issues the Philippsburg Proclamation:
    • Any slave that leaves their patriot master will receive protection and land from Britain
  • Henry Clinton captures Savannah and Charleston
    • Regains control of coastal areas
  • Horatio Gates captures Camden in South Carolina
  • About 30,000 slaves flee towards the British

Battle for the Carolinas

  • New Southern Continental Army is formed by Nathaniel Greene
    • Uses smaller army and knowledge of land to his advantage
  • British recruit a loyalist militia
    • Tasked with protecting Cornwallis’ advance into West Virginia
  • Battle of Cowpens: Slaughtering of loyalist army even after surrender
    • Daniel Morgan leads small army to attack Loyalists, makes a stand on the ground
    • Francis Marion uses guerrilla warfare against Cornwallis’ army

North Carolina into Virginia

  • Cornwallis meets Greene at Guilford Courthouse
    • Cornwallis loses 25% of his men, but eventually forces Greene to retreat
  • Cornwallis decides to move North into Virginia, tries to take advantage of social divisions
  • Benedict Arnold burns Richmond, causing Thomas Jefferson to flee
  • Cornwallis is ordered to make a safe harbor for the fleet
    • Yorktown Peninsula is chosen, ends up being a fatal mistake

The Endgame

Battle of Yorktown

  • Washington learns from the French that the French fleet is going towards the Chesapeake Bay
    • Original plan was to conduct a joint attack on NYC, but instead snuck away towards Virginia
    • Clinton thinks Washington is planning an attack
  • French fleet defeats British at Chesapeake Bay
  • Cornwallis is surrounded on the peninsula
    • Outnumbered 2-1
    • Cut off from retreat
  • Cornwallis surrenders in October 1781

American Victory

  • The British public loses faith for the war effort
  • Clinton and British occupy NY, Washington struggles to keep army together for 2 years until treaty is signed
  • In 1782-3, Franklin, Laurens, Jay, and Adams negotiate a peace settlement

Treaty of Paris

  • Formally ends Revolutionary War
  • Has articles that outline different things Britain needs to follow regarding America
  1. Acknowledgement of liberty
  2. Borders and Boundaries
  3. Fishing Rights
  4. Debts need to be paid
  5. State legislatures provide restitution
  6. No loyalist discrimination
  7. Prisoners to be released
  8. Both sides can access Mississippi River
  9. Territories captured are to be returned
  10. Ratification occurs 6 months after the treaty is signed

Washington’s Resignation

  • Washington finally achieves liberation of New York
  • Does not want to be a part of the army anymore, feels that his duty is done
    • “He will go back to his farm”
  • Shows that Washington is a changed man
    • Contrasting to when at the Ohio River Valley he got greedy and tried to attack for more.