10/21/24 - Introduction to Apps

What does the app do?

The app gives you a quiz about birds with different facts.

Who is its target audience?

The target audience is people who want to learn about birds or want to know more about different types of birds.

What are some ways it might be improved?

The app may be improved by not restarting the test when a question is wrong and telling you the correct answer when you are incorrect

  • App Inputs and Outputs Examples:

    Water app:

    • Output is the text shown on the screen

    • Input is when you click the buttons

    Bird quiz:

    • Gives you more questions or tells you if you are wrong
    • Push on a picture

    Township App:

    • Click on color for input
    • Shows color on output and gives information

    4 Square App:

    • Input is when you click the button
    • Output is the text shown on the screen

User Interface: Input and Outputs allow a user to interact with a piece of software

Input: Data sent to a computer for processing by a program

Output: Any Data that is sent from a program to a device.

Most used app: ESPN

  • Functions:
    • Shows you live sports scores from any sport you choose
    • You can receive notifications on big plays and players you favorite
  • Inputs:
    • Tapping on the screen to select favorite players and teams
  • Outputs:
    • Notifications, live scores

10/29/2024 Friend’s Speaker Debugging

If my friends speaker wasn’t working I would first check to see if it is plugged in, then I would make sure the music is connected, and then see if music is actually playing