Holmbergs Mistake

  • Holmberg based observations on one single amazonian tribe, were having a hard time surviving
  • Generalized this to all native american cultures
  • Judge a forest by one leaf


  • Were creating large statues without wheels
  • Coordination

Maya civilization

  • Made advancements while Europe was in the dark ages


  • Rituals, human sacrifice
  • Thoight they kept the world spinning, appeasing the gods
  • Capital was Tenochtitlan
  • Ancient Venice with temples and pyramids


  • Experts at adapting to Andes mountains
  • Built road system connecting their vast empire
  • Terrace farming on steep slopes, used all usable land
  • Macchu Picchu is the capital

Jarred Diamond GJS

  • Geography plays a huge role in human history
  • Allows ideas to spread faster
  • Different foods
  • Fertile crescent had the perfect conditions, so this led to cities and empires

North American Cultures

Culture Areas:

  • Regions with shared characteristics but hold many different tribes and cultures


  • United 5-6 different nations of NA
  • Built a political system before any European contact

Sioux and Cheyenne in grasslands and plains

  • Horses boosted mobility


  • Pueblo peoples flourished, built irrigation, and sustainable communities

Common between NA

  • Deep connection with nature and storytelling
  • Europe valued ambition and gain, conflicted with NA


  • Vikings were the first to reach North America, but left as they did not plan on staying for a long time Dark ages led to limit of progress, Crusades, Black Death

Crusades introduced Europe to the riches of the middle east

Ripple effect

  • Gave tools such as astrolabes, maps, etc
  • Huge demand for sugar, spices and silk
  • led to need for new trade routes

Portugal takes center stage Henry the Navigator financed schools and sponsored expeditions into Africa

  • Tried to outmaneuver Ottomans who controlled land routes Paid off, explorers became very very rich

New sea routes to Asia changed trade forever

In 1492, Spain finances Columbuses idea of sailing west in order to reach Asia

Wanted to spread Spanish empire, spread chrisianity

Stumbles upon entire continent of America

Columbian moment - collision of worlds

One output was the columbian exchange between the new and old world

Disease, food, animals, plants

Huge amounts of indigenous peoples killed by disease


Spanish conquistadors driven by ambition greed and religion

Wanted to conquer the aztecs and take gold

Cortez to Aztec, Pizarro to Inca

Conquests were brutal, and led to Spanish exploitation and rule

Protestant reformation

Leads to huge consequences for Europe and the Americas

Martin luther 95 theses

Catholicism vertical power Protestantism was more individual, and had a direct connection w god and bible

European powers with their own beliefs wanted control of the new world.


King Henry 8 wants a divorce, leads to break from catholic church and creation of church of england

Creates rivalry with Spain and a naval war

Early settlers faced incredible challenges

Needed relationships with native people

Pocahontas helped bridge gap between New and Old world

Period of conflict and coexistence

Attempts at cooperation

Colonies shaped by tobacco

Led to headright system, gave land to anyone who brought over indentured servants

  • labor needed for plantations

1619 first enslaved africans come to virginia House of Burgesses created cons

  • First ever republican house of representatives

Colony erupts in violence with Bacons Rebellion Indentured Farmers vs Wealthy

all yland Founded by Lord Baltimore who was looking for a save haven for Catholics

  • Toleration act, religiously tolerant to all christians

Mayflower Compact agreed to create a self govning community based on majority rule

  • Precedent

First thanksgiving, celebration of survival with native americans

Plymouth was only the beginning

Puritans arrive in Massachusets, want to purify church of england based on strict interpretation of bible

City upon a hill - godly society for only puritans, example for others

Roger Willaism Church and state should be separated,ger founded rhode island

Anne Hutchinson, found a home in RI after dissenting for womans rights

Puritans had conflict with NA Led to violence

Pequot War was most devastating Lasted for years,

English Civil War Power struggle between monarchy and parliament

Money poured into colonization Ripple effect

  • Less oversight from England, more space to develop
  • Key step to independence
  • Accidental taste of freedom

New colonies granted to people who supported King James Economic reasons for colonies

Mercantilism - More exports = more wealth/gold and silver Raw materials benefit mother country from colonies

Navigation acts put into place

Glorious revolution power asserted over monarchy Led to period of salutary neglect - relaxed approach to continental rule

Key period, let the colonies develop economy and identity

The Enlightenment

  • time of science, human nature, liberal arts
  • John locke natural rights, revolutionary

Natural rights became cornerstons of original thought

Rousseau - Popular sovereignty

Montesqueie - Separation of powers, checks and balances

Religious revival, great awakening

Time of relgiiosu creativity, person faith, and emotional experience

CHallenged established churches, created religious fervor

More personal way of experiencing faith

En gland vs independent minded colonies

French and Indian War

England and France fight for control

NA caught in the middle need to make alliances with Britain and France

War is more than js abt land in ohio, it was abt who would rule North Amer

New taxes imposed on colonies to pay for war

Tax on paper, stamps, etc

No taxation without representation

No representation in parliament

ENgland repeals stamp act

Townshend Acts put taxes on things imported from Britain

  • Squeezed money out of colonies Tension led to boston massacre where british soldiers killed 5 people

fuelled anti british

Boston tea party- dumped tea into water against tea act Colonists saw it as blatant attmpt to control Chucked chests overboard

Perfect act of defiance, wont be pushed aroudn

British govt retaliated with coersive acts, clamped down on massacjuseytys

Closed port of boston, allowed quarteting

  • Show of force Backfired, fuelled resistance even more and made them unified

Continental Congress brings together representatives to figure out how to respond

Demand that intolerable cts be repealed

Colonists wanted rights respected

British govt didnt budge, call for independence got larger

Dec of Independence drafted

Declares all men have rights And are able to rebel and separate from Britain

Met by armed militia at Concord

First skirmishes led to battles

Battle of saratoga - turning point of war, american victory

  • Convinces france to join with America

Alliances have a massive impact

Final showdown at Yorktown, GW traps Cornwallis and ends war

in 1783, american independence official realized

Need to create a government

AoC adopted in 1777 - weak central govt, no power, very antifederalist

More like a loose group of states than a full coalition

Land Ordinance organized western territories

Northwest Ordinance too

Shays rebellion happens in massachusetts, farmers struggling with debt rose up when their land is taken away

rebellion was put down and shocked the young nation

Govt not powerful enough

Constitutional convention

  • 1787 figure out how to fix new nation
  • Met in phil to create new nation
  • Debated how to set up a government
  • Debated for months

Fundamentals are justice, liberty, republicanism

Connecticut Plan

  • govt now

Compromises still led to constitution that was an achievement

Belief in building better union

Principles of limited govt, individual rightd

Ratified in 1788 Laid foundation for new governemnt that comes from consent of the governed

Presidency of GW

  • elected unanimously
  • dominated by foreign affairs

Had to set up financial system

Hamilton vs Jefferson

  • Hamilton wanted large govt
  • Jefferson focused on decentralized power from the states Arguments laid groundwork for 2 party system

Despite divisions, washington leads nation and sets precedents

Fare well address

  • argued against factions and foreign policy

First real test of democracy, election of 1796

Adams beats Jefferson, but full of turmoil

Alien and Sedition Acts

Made it harder for immigrants to become citizens Allows deportation at wim

backfired, strengthened opposition

in 1800 Jefferson wins presidency and showed peaceful transfer of power from one party to the other

Handled intense political disagreements

tension hamilton and jefferson