Industrial Revolution
- Enabled industry to grow rapidly
- Mills and factories
- Abundant natural resources
- Eli whitny developed the cotton gin
- States allowed companies to sell stock
Life in Industrial North
- Artisans struggle to compete with factories
- Artisan republicanism: independence of small scale producers
- Trade unions born out of frustrations of low wages
- Urbanization
- Canals built to connect waterways
- Transportation
- Market revolution:
- Manufactured goods cheaper and more widely available
- Farms become more commercial
- Trains and steam boats faster transport of goods
Cotton King of Antebellum (pre-civil war) South
- Invention of cotton gin lets planters efficiently make cotton
- New plantations meant demand of slaves was high
- Southern society had classes
- Planter elite: 20+ slaves, large plantations, 50% of cotton output, dominate politics
- Desperately want the expansion of slavery
- Slaves are an asset
- Small Planters: 1-5 slaves, few hundred acres of land
- Yeoman Farmers: Landowning small farmers, majority of population
- Landless whites: Laborers, poor, rural, farmed less productive land
- Free Blacks: Worked as skilled artisans, faced discrimination
- Slaves: subject to slave codes, worked in fields, no control over own lives