Jacob’s Big Idea Project

Brainstorm Activity Part I ( Fill Out)

What are your potential big ideas?

  1. E-book for high school and college makers spaces
  2. Designs of things for good (whistle idea) - scoreboard/levels and places to donate
  3. A contest with e-Book to source goods for social impact

Why did you choose each?

  1. Share your love of 3D printing and help others gain skills
  2. Promote 3D printing but also encourage students to give somewhere
  3. Source ideas and designs that others could print to help people in their or communities

Homework Due Date By 1/10/25______ 

Think about your choices and decide which idea you want to pursue/research on what  else exists in the space.  complete the following - 

  1. What is your final idea?

  2. What is the unmet need your big idea will provide?

  3. Who is the target population being served?

  4. Why have you chosen to serve them? (personal connections or statistics?)

  5. What other organizations/groups provide this service/need locally? Nationally? (List and include location)

  6. How will your Big Idea be differentiated from others serving this population?