Washington’s Farewell
Washington steps down and does not seek a third term, starting tradition of 2 terms per president.
Washington’s advice
- No political parties
- Requires unity
- Nation of different environments
- Not followed
- Constitution is broad
- Elastic clause makes constitution unspecific
- Anything can be called a necessary power
- Can be applied to different situations
- *First amendment gives power to group together and have your own opinion
- Differing ideas of how to run a country
- *Politically neutral with Europe
- Trade, dont ally
- Dont get brought into wars outside of US
- Followed to an extent
- US joins NATO
- First ever permanent alliance
- *Encourage religious participation in order to keep people virtuous and moral
- *Think nationally, not locally
- Do what is best for the nation as a whole, not your individual state
- Civil war
Adam’s Presidency
- John Adams beats Jefferson
- Presidency is dominated by foreign affairs
Jay’s Treaty and Adam’s Pro-British policies angered the french who began seizing American ships headed to Britain
XYZ Affair
Millions for defense but not one cent for tribute
Congress cuts off trade with France, authorized privateering against French vessels
This starts an undeclared war called the Quasi-War
Response to the Quasi-War
Infamous set of laws passed called the Alien Sedition Acts
Naturalization Act
- Citizen requirement brought from 5 to 14 years
- Federalists say it is necessary because:
- Make sure that you cant just migrate and become a citizen
- Keeps people loyal for 14 years
Alien Act
- President can deport any foreigner that seems dangerous
- Federalists say it is necessary because:
- Suspicious people need to be taken out if they are not loyal in order to protect the country
- Republicans criticize it because:
- It targets specific people, and is a lot of power to give to a president unchecked
Sedition Act
- Prohibited publications insulting Congress
- Federalists say it is necessary because:
- It will be able to prevent uprisings and conspiracies
- Republicans criticize it because:
- It is a direct violation of the first amendment
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
- Puts forth a states rights interpretation of the constitution, where states have the right to judge the legitimacy of federal govt.
- Response to sedition act
- Violates Article 6 of the constitution