Hamiltonians vs Jeffersonians

Hamilton: Wanted to create a central bank for the United States - Democrats

Jefferson: Believed in Laissez Faire, wanted to leave economy to the people - Republicans

To the Jeffersonians, the central bank would symbolize the elites controlling the government, only giving loans to their friends.

  • Farmers and people in the south did not like this as it did not benefit them
  • Coddling american businesses, preventing them from being better

To the Hamiltonians, who were mostly bankers in rich cities, wanted to develop manufacturing of textiles and enforce tariffs

  • Taxes on imports
  • Encourage the development of homegrown products in favor of imports Artificial Inflation of imports in order to get rid of competition
  • Farmers needed to import in order to get tools

Government is favoring the north in order to protect manufacturing businesses

  • Hurts southern farmers in the process


America is an Aristocracy based on merit and hard work

  • The smartest quickly rise to the top

However, there is concern about factory workers that would slave away all day in filthy factories

  • Person who does the work does not receive the money
  • majority of citizens

Jeffersonians offered an alternative vision

  • Economy not based on manufacturing, based on agriculture
  • Middle class farmers that owned land - Yeoman
  • Expanding liberty, land owning, security to as many people as possible
  • Wealthy would corrupt the government

First Political Parties

FederalistsDemocratic Republicans
Manufacturing EconomyAgrarian Economy
Pro TariffAnti Tariff
Pro BritainPro France
Federal PowerStates’ rights
Pro Bank of USAnti Bank of US
Loose Interpretation of ConstitutionStrict interpretation of Constitution
Practical - Grow nationIdealist - Defend freedom

Washington’s Presidency

Dominated by Foreign Affairs

  • Stems from French Revolution that took down the aristocracy
    • Seen as a threat to the order of Monarchial Europe
    • Starts the French Revolutionary Wars
  • America is a key ally of the French
    • Jeffersonians: Sympathize with core values of democracy and constitutionalism
    • Hamiltonians: America is broke, has no army, no navy, and no funds to support France
  • Passes Neutrality Proclamation
    • Will not support either side, but secures trade with both nations
    • America has ample resources to take advantage of the war

Whiskey Rebellion

Farmers inspired by the French Revolution mounted a rebellion to protest the Whiskey Tax and attacked tax collectors

  • Washington raises an army and disperses the rebels
  • Shows legitimacy of Washington’s position as President

Haitian Revolution

Wealthy French colony of Saint Domingue is inspired by American Revolution to stage a slave uprising

  • Leads to abolition in the colony

Troubles with Britain

Britain and France both try to stop trade to the other as they are both getting supplies from America

  • British navy captures American ships
  • Impress American sailors Washington sends John Jay to settle the issue, returns with Jay’s Treaty

Jay’s Treaty

  • Accepts British rights to stop neutral ships bound for France
  • British agreed to give up forts in Northwest
  • America is number one trader for Britain
  • US had to pay back all pre-war debts to Britain

This pisses off both France and Spain