

graph TD
    A[[Light-Dependent Reactions]] -->|Provide| B[[ATP]]
    A -->|Provide| C[[NADPH]]
    B --> D[Calvin Cycle]
    C --> D
    subgraph Calvin Cycle
        E[[Carbon Fixation]]
        F[[Reduction Phase]]
        G[[Regeneration Phase]]
    D --> E
    D --> F
    D --> G

    E --> H[RuBP]
    H -->|Catalyzed by RuBisCO| I[CO2 + RuBP]
    I --> J[G3P]
    F --> J
    J --> K[Glucose]
    J --> L[Other carbohydrates]

    G --> M[RuBP Regeneration]
    M --> H

    M -. Similarity .-> N[[The Krebs Cycle]]

Photosynthesis is the process by which autotrophic organisms, such as plants, algae, and some bacteria, convert light energy into chemical energy stored in Glucose. The overall reaction is represented as:

This process occurs in two main stages: the Light-Dependent Reactions and the Calvin Cycle. Photosynthesis not only provides energy for the organism performing it but also produces oxygen, which is essential for most life on Earth.